Friday, January 18, 2013

The Day We Got Charlie, by Bronwen

When we first got our dog I was so excited! We had been looking on Craig's list the day before. We saw an Australian Shepherd.  It's name was Red,but we re-named it Charlie Bear Douglas.  He was 9 weeks. We had to drive all the way to Yakima! When we got there we saw their car.  It was silver and small. When the lady got out Charlie was in her arms. He was really cute! The lady said he might need a potty break.

We bought him over to some grass, but he didn't go. My mom said leave him with dad maybe he'll go
with him. So we went into Fred Meyer to see if we could find Charlie a collar. When we went back
outside we asked dad did he go. He said no. So we went into the car and started to drive home.
Charlie was looking out the window. A few hours later Charlie started to whimper so we pulled
over at a gas station. Sure enough Charlie went.

When we got home we all went outside and played with Charlie for the rest of the day.
Now Charlie is 7 months!

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