Friday, January 4, 2013

Charlie's Clever Trick

Charlie is one clever pup.  He learned how to fetch in 5 minutes (literally), the girls taught him how to "sit" in less than an hour, he doesn't destroy the house, he was housetrained in less than a week.  Which brings me to his new trick.
For the past few days, Charlie has been going to the back porch door like every hour.  Of course when he comes back in we give him a treat.  Until yesterday.  Suddenly I was like, "What the heck is going on that he wants to go outside every single second?"  Actually, I was just annoyed because I had to get up every single second to let him out, then back in.  Then I realized what it was.  He just wanted to go out so he could come back in to get a treat.  I literally laughed out loud!
Charlie, we've got your number LOL! :-)

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