Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Ava is Three!

Three years and nine months ago something incredible happened; I became pregnant with Ava. Many of you know the story, however I never get tired of telling it because it is a testament that miracles really do come true.

Soon after Conrad and I got married we began trying to get pregnant. I thought it would be an easy process (how hard could it be, especially after trying to prevent for so long!). Long story short, one year went by, then began the visits to the fertility doctor, then began several rounds of less-invasive treatments, when finally after two years we graduated to invitro-fertilization. At that point the doctor told us we had a less than 1% chance of conceiving naturally. Fortunately for us, invitro worked the first try, and we had our first beautiful little girl, Bronwen.

After Bronwen was born I had such a sense of peace in my heart. Conrad and I were so happy with our little family, and naturally we talked about expanding it. We discussed the possibility of trying another round of invitro. I didn't rule it out, but I honestly wasn't sure if it was going to work again because the previous attempt (albeit we did get pregnant) didn't go very well. At the time, it didn't matter too much to me because Bronwen was still a newborn.

I went to my six week post-partum check-up and talked about contraceptives with my OBGYN. We actually laughed, LAUGHED, at the idea of me needing birth control after all I just went through. I went back to work, and simply fell into a routine. At the six month mark I weened Bronwen, and began going back to school for my Master's. Then came The Saturday. Conrad was on a motorcycle ride, and I was at home with Bronwen. I started thinking about my cycle, or my lack of one. "Nah," I thought. "It's gotta be my body getting back to normal from the pregnancy and nursing. Hmm...but still." I happened to have an extra pregnancy test from a two-pack I bought while trying for Bronwen, so I thought, "What the heck? I'll take it for fun." As the reaction took place, I couldn't believe my eyes; I was pregnant!

Against the odds, Conrad and I had Ava Marina Douglas on October 14, 2005, and technically got pregnant "on the first try". I am a true believer in miracles, and hope you all are too. I told a friend of mine that during my infertility ordeal I thought there had to be something special about people who good things happen to. Like they had some sort of special quality that would allow them to get what they wanted. After having Bronwen, my whole outlook changed. Instead of looking for what qualities they had that I lacked, I started thinking if good things can happen to them, then why not me? I'm not sure if that is what allowed me to become pregnant with Ava, but it certainly has made me happy in life. There are no sure bet qualities or circumstances that can make something happen for you, but there is a steadfast belief that can see you through.

Happy birthday Ava, and thank you for reminding me.

1 comment:

Stacey B. said...

Happy Birthday! She is such a beautiful girl and truly a blessing, I can tell. How lucky that you get to be her mommy!