Monday, June 8, 2009

Happy One Year Anniversary Seattle!

Seattle Space Needle Views

Our Green Backyard (complete with rasberries, strawberries, blue berries, rosemary and thyme)

Bronwen and Ava Painting at Seattle Children's Museum

The best way I can describe Seattle is that this is a place where within seconds of visiting, I felt rejuvenated by the sweet air. Conrad, Bronwen, Ava and I have never been physically healthier. We live a stone's throw from several lakes and parks, and have a seemingly endless list of activities to enjoy. My favorite place is still Seattle Center, which we visited today. Happy anniversary Seattle, I couldn't imagine living anywhere else.


Jana said...

Derrick is always begging to go to seattle. It seems like a great place to live :)

Molly said...

I love Seattle. So what made you move form the glorious southwest desert to the Northwest? Every time I go to Portland I get an itch to move back but then I look at the houses we could buy there compared to our nice new house here and I take a step back. I love the Northwest though, so much natural beauty and to have those berries growing in your yard, I would die for that! I am going to attempt a small garden this fall but I'm not going to keep my hopes up. Do you plan on staying in Seattle for the long haul?