Sunday, May 3, 2009

When cake goes awry

The world's best dad, Conrad, made a cake today with the girls. He put icing on it with them and everything. Unfortunately the cake made an unexpected detour to the kitchen floor on the way to the table. I couldn't decide whether to laugh or cry when it happened (I was the one carrying it).

Note to self: waitressing is not a good career choice (Stacey, you can also testify to my dessert mishaps!)! Despite the calamity, the cake was pretty tasty. For those of you wondering, the majority of it miraculously landed on the foil, not the floor. Though there was a hint of orange glow flavor... ;-)


Courtney Laine Carris said...

Sounds like my Friday lasagna incident. It was thrown in the garage, and I spent a half hour getting it out of the carpet! So the cake looks great compared to that!!

Stacey B. said...

I was just telling Ben about the ice cream incident and laughing so hard. I think it's only funny when you're there... Oh well. Sorry that the cake met the floor, how sad.
By they way, the kitchen floor looks awesome! I'm so jealous!