Turns out it's not the convenience it used to be. You have gone from being a great sleeper to a little monster who likes to wake up every few hours to nurse, and I let you because I don't want to deal with the crying.
I'm afraid I have to break both of us of that bad habit (i.e. time to move you to your crib).
Maybe I'll start tomorrow, though. I still can't think of not snuggling with you all night.
Ugh...this was one of the hardest things for me with both kids. Good luck momma, remember the earlier you start the easier it is. Oh and could she get any freaking cuter? I just want to snuggle and give her smoochies.
What a cutie! I have to say I have never been able to sleep with my kids in my bed. I guess it's a good thing because I hear how hard it is to break the habit! I just can't sleep, I always think I will roll over on them! Hope the transition has been a good one!
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