Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Baby Update

I got to see our sweet baby with his/her little heart beating this afternoon. Everything looks great (heart rate 136 -old wives tale says if below 140 it's a boy; due date is January 26th), and I'm feeling really good. Ironically this is one of the reasons I went in...

It seems as if from the moment this baby was conceived I've had one type of ache or another in my lower abdomen. I wasn't sure if it was just the muscles stretching out after such a long time of not being pregnant, or if it's because I'm 30 (I know it's not old, but it does make a difference lol!). Well, the pain seemed to be a little worse today, and then I didn't have any nausea at all. I know it may sound morbid, but when I feel terrible during pregnancy I am secretly relieved because then I think things are moving along in the right direction.

On that note, I went ahead and called the doctor. She told me to come in for an ultrasound. To my relief, the baby is fine, and the pregnancy became more real to me. I guess I'm going to have to trade in my sports car after all. Ack! ;-)


Molly said...

Yay, I'm glad you got to see the baby and that everything is moving right a long! I have never had morning sickness and so I am paranoid until I feel the baby moving. It doesn't feel real until then. I have other little symptoms like tiredness, etc. but none of the other real pregnancy symptoms. Can't wait to find out what you're having!

Courtney Laine Carris said...

Did Conrad go too? Courtney's heart rate was pretty low in the beginning...just never know. They'll probably send you to Eastside Maternal Fetal Medicine though and they do a great job! Maybe you'll find out in about 3 months. Exciting. So glad to hear everything is looking good. Did you like the doctor?

Stacey B. said...

So it's not twins??? Man, I was hoping! :) I'm so glad that you got to see a heartbeat! When I was about 8 weeks, I asked Ben to do an ultrasound in the ER so I could actually see a heartbeat. He was all too happy to "practice" his ultrasound skills and I was all to happy to be the guinea pig. It always calm my fears, now I'm addicted...

Darin said...

I'm so glad things are going well for you and the teeny tiny baby so far. Are you getting those emails from baby center that say your baby is the size of a ..." fill in the blank with some kind of fruit or vegetable?! I loved those...

Darin said...
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Jana said...

Oh my goodness! You are just like me. When I was pregnant with Parker I had morning sickness like no other...didn't gain a pound until my 6th month, but I was secretly glad because I felt like it meant the pregnancy hormones were kickin in high gere! Well with Kellan, my son, I had no sickness except for a couple of days in week 11...I was paranoid throughout the whole pregnancy...this in combination with the fact that he hardly moved and Parker was a total acrobat!!

I will continually keep you in my prayers for a healthy happy pregnancy and baby :)

will you find out the sex?