While working out, a man in his 60's decided to talk to Conrad about a certain male medicine, to which Conrad responded, "Man, I need to stay away from that stuff; I have a hard enough time already. That's why I am 44 years old with a one-year-old." It was hilarious! I got an awesome workout with my good friend Hong (my arms were like jello for the rest of the day), and the girls got to play with some of their friends in the kids' club.
Back home, we had a quick lunch, then hopped in the car to take the girls to ballet class.
By that time Cate was ready for bed, yawning and rubbing her eyes with her little hands. Conrad rocked her in our bedroom while giving her a bottle, and she looked as happy as a little lamb. He put her in her soft crib, where she took a long nap. Conrad and I showered, then got back into our jammies. We've been hanging out all afternoon (after Conrad ripped out the carpet in our bathroom), with lasagna cooking in the oven and sunlight filling our home, making it warm and happy.
I love days like this. :-)